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Radostin Dimitrov Stefanov

Born on: 09.09.2001

Birthplace:Bulgaria, Montana

Good day, or Good evening or whatever time you are reading this!

But let me tell you about myself, I come from a small town called Montana, from Bulgaria.

I have studied there till 12th grade, and I have succesfully graduated in a profesional qualification in Computer networking. As I studied in there Computers, chipsets, the basics of soldering as well motherboards. I did have the luck to study there my first experience in programing mostly: MySQL, Assembly, and of course some of the microsoft office packages. Afterwords I had a few options where or what to study, as finnaly I stopped... And I decided to study Robotics , Automation and comptuter automated systems. In a far away town 213 km way Called Gabrovo.

A new beggining!

Leaving my town for one of the first times alone, driving my own car as I set a new journey with excitment... Well Sadly corona was a thing so I started my studies 2020. Studying starting to work on my self development and as well my future profession. As 2022 comes around in my 3th year out of 4 I go to Germany.

My life in Germany, Schmalkalden

First time going out outside of my country and my dream to see the world outside Bulgaria. It started great and it ended great as I started on a "Double Degree" program by "Erasmus" stayed there for a whole year studying varius subjects like: Digital signals, Microelectronics, AI, Agile, blockchain and etc... I succesfully have taken my academic year and just one more left! And So the final 100 meters of run it is on me I'm finishing my studies 2024 july, graduating as an Automation Engineer as well as "Electro Und Informatic Technician" from germany.

What I have learned in my studies

What I have learned:

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Radostin Dimitrov Stefanov © 2024