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Object detected by a Sensor

Ready PLC code

So this is a short code that I played around in my University: "Technical University of Gabrovo". As this code it is for a conveyar belt and 2 sensors detecting an metal going to the sensor and back trasported by the converyar belt with 2 motors for forward and backwards. This code it is made with FL_Work whatever we press the button to make the system go into work mode till it finished its task. And that is: "IF S1=TRUE AND sensorState = FALSE AND bCount < 4 THEN" it would keep counting till then. As again to one of my other projects " Simulation of a Heater" This usses the old statement of the sensor... But this is rather than a button an sensor. As because the system detects every push of a button or detection multiple times in the second. So we use the same logic as in old statement of the button to make sure it is only ones. But this code it is pretty much "Plug and play"

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Radostin Dimitrov Stefanov © 2024